KRMG on demand now available on Amazon Echo

TULSA — Right out of the iconic sci-fi series Star Trek, voice-activated computer devices are all the rage these days, with one of the most popular being the Amazon Echo, a speaker that also listens.

By speaking to the device’s “hostess,” Alexa, one can ask it to play music, news, a weather forecast, or a radio station.

Alexa has “skills,” which are the voice commands to which she can respond.

And now, she has KRMG skills.

Once you associate the commands “Alexa, play my flash briefing” or “Alexa, I want to hear the news” with KRMG, the device will automatically play the most recent KRMG newscast.

You can also say “Alexa, play KRMG” and the Echo will stream the radio station live.

To help Echo users figure out exactly how to do that, we’ve posted this handy, step-by-step video:

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