Alleged Peeping Tom victim takes matters into her own hands

A Colorado woman grabbed an accused Peeping Tom and held him in a headlock for 20 minutes until cops could arrive, according to KDVR.

Michelle Chandler was changing her clothes at a department store near Denver on May 11th. She says she went to take her pants off and noticed a hand and cell phone underneath the dressing room partition.

The mother of 5 said the dressing room area accommodates both men and women.

She said to herself that something stinks really bad, and says she looked down and saw the Peeping Tom’s feet.

Chandler said she wasn’t taking any chances that the suspect might get away before police could get there, so she pinned the 19-year-old suspect to the floor.

Her cell phone video and pictures show her holding the young man down along with store employees and, later on, using her knee to keep him in place. Chandler said a belt was used to keep the guy restrained.

Chandler says the suspect needs to be held accountable!