Candidates for Tulsa County GOP Chair Part 2: Charity Marcus

Local GOP delegates will meet for a convention on March 1st at the Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference center in Broken Arrow

They will vote to replace County GOP Chairwoman Ronda Vuillemont-Smith, who’s stepping down after serving for the last four years.

The race to become the next leader of the Tulsa County Republican Party has two contestants who have publicly announced their candidacy.

[Hear the KRMG In Depth Report on Charity Marcus HERE]

One of those candidates is a woman well-known to people active in the county GOP, Charity Marcus.

She tells KRMG she came to Republican Party after trying as a young woman to figure out why Republicans opposed the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare.”

“I reviewed the party platforms, because I was a registered Democrat - which is, because that’s what I thought I was supposed to do as a black person. I... just assumed that oh, black people are Democrats,” she told KRMG. “And so I reviewed the party platforms. I took everything out of it, you know, the people, the opinions, and I just looked at the platforms and I lined them up. And I was like - yean, actually I’m a Republican. I agree with most of these things.”

She feels the Tulsa County Republican Party has gotten a bad reputation - among Republicans.

“There is a small group of people that - they just attack. And a lot of Republicans are just like ‘I don’t want to deal with that,' and ‘that’s not who I am as a Republican,‘” Marcus said. “And they think that just because those are the people they see supposedly representing the party, that that’s what the party is. And that’s not the case.”

Republicans who wish to vote as delegates during the March 1, 2025 Tulsa County convention must first attend precinct meetings, which will take place on January 28th.

Read the related story on Melissa Myers HERE.