Eight internal candidates step forward to apply for Chief of Police in Tulsa

TULSA — Recently, Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum reportedly sent a memo to potential candidates for Chief of Police within the department, reminding them of the impending deadline to apply for that position.

At the time, only three applicants had stepped forward.

For whatever reason, by the time that deadline rolled around at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, the pool of applicants had more than doubled.

Three Deputy Chiefs have applied: Jonathan Brooks, Eric Dalgleish, and Dennis Larsen.

Five Majors have also stepped forward: Richard Alexander, Thaddeus Espy, Matt McCord, Laurel Roberts, and Mark Wollmershauser Jr.

Bynum told KRMG Monday he will engage with a number of stakeholders throughout the community before he decides on the next chief.

He will also speak directly with current Chief Wendell Franklin about his replacement - as he did before he hired Franklin four years ago.

“I did the same with Chief (Chuck) Jordan when he retired,” Bynum told KRMG’s Dan Potter. “It’s just - I want to get as much of a 360-degree understanding of the needs of the department, and of the job, and of the applicants before making any decision.”

He said he will begin the interview process with those applicants next Monday, May 20th.