Gov. Stitt unveils proposed education reform compromise

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt released an outline of a proposed education reform compromise Friday.

“After months of negotiations and meetings with both the House and the Senate, I am proud to present this plan and believe it is the best path forward to get education reform done this year,” said Governor Stitt. “Oklahomans elected us as leaders to come together and get something done to improve education for every student in the state of Oklahoma and provide parents options. This plan does just that. I am calling on the House and Senate to come together and get this across the finish line. Parents can’t wait another year for real reform. Let’s take another step forward to fund students, not just systems in Oklahoma.”

According to a new release, Governor Stitt’s Education and Parental Choice Plan calls for investing a total of $800 million in education, allocated in three main parts:

  • $300 million to the Oklahoma Student Fund;
  • $300 million into the funding formula, including Senator Adam Pugh’s Teacher Pay Raise plan, and;
  • $200 million for the Oklahoma Parental Choice tax credit model for parents to send their child to a school that best fits their unique needs.

The Oklahoma Student Fund would be available to every school district in the state. Each district will receive up to $2 million to improve their local schools as they see fit.

Senator Pugh’s Teacher Pay Raise plan includes a raise for teachers beginning at $2,000 and up to $5,000. The plan also incorporates new, improved weights for individual students to better ensure dollars are on target to provide the best education possible.

The Oklahoma Parental Choice tax credit model would be $5,000 per student, prioritizing households earning under $250,000 annually, with a cap of $200 million total spend for Year One. The amount available would be increased to $6,000 per student with a cap of $200 million total spend for Year Two. Starting in Year Three, the amount available would increase to $6,500 per student, with no income cap and no cap on total spend.