High school nurse finds student with bullet wound

CATOOSA, Okla. — An eighteen-year-old showed up for class at the Catoosa High School Thursday and ended up going to the hospital for a gunshot wound.

Police say the male student reported to the school nurse complaining of pain in his abdomen. She immediately realized he had a bullet hole in him and called 911.

Catoosa Police Chief Ronnie Benight says the young man told them he’d just been walking around last night near 31st and Garnett when he heard a pop and felt a sting.

“He didn’t tell his parents, or anybody else,” said Chief Benight. “He didn’t get any attention for it at all last night.”

Because he was in Tulsa when the shooting occurred, the Tulsa Police Department is now leading the investigation.

“There wasn’t an exit wound,” said Benight. “So, we’re assuming, if it was a gunshot wound, that the projectile was still inside him.”