Historic building in downtown Broken Arrow opens as a new business

An old eyesore in downtown Broken Arrow gets a big makeover.

Lily and Luke Owens opened the Hub 24/7 Fitness Center on September 1st.

Lily walks me around so we can see some of the special touches that she and her husband have created themselves.

She says, “This is our spin room. We put up a mural from Tulsa Tough because we’re trying to keep things local.”

Owens and her husband are hoping momentum on Main Street picks up even more.

They visualize an arts and entertainment district.

The gym even has its own display of artwork from local artists.

Besides the wide variety of artwork from local artists, is a wide variety of workouts.

Kettle bell training is one of them.

Lily tells KRMG, “It’s something new. Not a lot of gyms have it. We have two certified kettle bell instructors. It’s just a really fast way to get in shape.”

She has come a long way herself in the last several years.

A few years ago, she found herself out of a job.

She says, “I left the good job and trained the person who replaced me to go to a new job and got laid off four days later.”

It turns out there was a silver lining.

Owens tells me, “It was actually because I got laid off that I met my husband. Because I didn’t have anything to do at the time, like right after I t happened, I was going to the gym and that’s how I met him.”

The building was the Humpty Dumpty grocery store in the 1960’s.

It was later turned into a farm co-op store.