OK Ethics Commission votes to pursue prosecution against State Supt. Walters

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — The Oklahoma Ethics Commission voted to prosecute State Superintendent Ryan Walters over allegations that he violated state ethics laws.

The commission decided to take Walters to court over his handling of 2022 campaign funds.

The investigation dates back to October 2024, when the commission authorized a probe into alleged campaign finance rule violations.

The commission also approved an undisclosed settlement with Walters regarding allegations that his politically charged social media posts violated state ethics laws concerning the use of state money, property, or time.

Walters’ Office said it has not yet been made aware of the commission’s actions.

OSDE Director of Communications Grace Kim shared the following statement with FOX23:

“No information has been provided to Superintendent Walters on any perceived issue regarding any new matter.

Supt. Walters has always committed to following all guidelines and transparency in his political operations.

Please refer all following ethics questions to the campaign. "