The pros and cons of artificial intelligence in the world of medicine

As in any number of business sectors, the field of medicine is undergoing a seismic shift thanks to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The convergence of advanced technology and healthcare is revolutionizing the way medical professionals diagnose, treat, and care for patients.

[Hear the KRMG In-Depth report on the use of AI in healthcare HERE]

And, as in many of those other fields of endeavor, ethical considerations are coming to the forefront.

The integration of AI necessitates careful handling of patient data, transparency in decision-making processes, and safeguarding against biases embedded in algorithms.

Striking a balance between technological advancements and ethical principles remains a critical challenge.

James Jordan is a Distinguished Service Professor of Healthcare and Biotechnology at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College.

He tells KRMG those who worry about privacy have legitimate concerns, and as we’ve seen with any number of advances, policies and laws often lag well behind the emerging capabilities of the technology.

He points out that most of us share much more about ourselves than we realize as we use the Internet.

“I think people would be very shocked if they just looked on the consumer side at all the Internet data and all the consumer data that’s collected on them that the average, you know, Amazon has,” Jordan said.

People who use wearable devices that track how many steps they’ve taken, or their heart rate, or who use online services to help with weight loss or other health issues, already share quite a bit of their personal health data.

And of course, doctor’s offices, clinics, and hospitals also collect huge amounts of data from patients.

“The goal would be that we want to connect these,” Jordan told KRMG. “But we can’t connect them until we sort of sort through some of these HIPAA issues and how they go from the hospital and the doctor’s office all the way out into the general economy. And that, I think, still needs to be sorted. And that’s a legitimate concern.”

But he agrees with those who advocate for greater use of AI to collate data, flag potential issues, handle record keeping, and generally give doctors and other health practitioners more time to spend with patients.

Looking ahead, the prospects for AI in medicine are nothing short of revolutionary. From drug discovery to robotic-assisted surgeries, AI’s influence is set to reshape healthcare across the board.

And with critical shortages of healthcare professionals at all levels of medicine, there may be little choice but to increasingly rely on technologies that help them make the most of the time and resources available.