Renovations to Tulsa County Courthouse set to begin, expected to take two years

The Tulsa County Courthouse, which turns 70 years old in March, will spend the next couple of years getting a lot of work done.

Projects include repairs to everything from the marble facade to the plumbing, HVAC, fire suppression systems, and windows.

The project, funded by $28 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds, will take roughly two years to complete.

In the meantime, expect to see lane closures, sidewalk closures, dust,k and noise in the area, county officials warn.

One lane of southbound Denver Avenue will remain closed for the duration of the project.

Other lanes will get closed as a construction crane is installed, starting the week of March 10th.

Some courts will move to the Faulkner Building, 303 West 1st Street, during the construction.

Check the District Court website to check on up-to-date locations for the courts.