Sculpture dedicated to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum

TULSA — Mayor G.T. Bynum was on hand Wednesday morning to celebrate the dedication of public art at the Tulsa Air and Space Museum.

The sculpture is dedicated to the Tulsa Air National Guard, 138th Fighter Wing and symbolizes the loss of Technical Sargent Marshal D. Roberts and other personnel lost in the line of duty.

Sargent Roberts is the first and only airmen from the 138th Fighter Wing to be lost in combat.

“This sculpture is one of several pieces of public art made possible by dedicated Vision Tulsa funds,” said Mayor G.T. Bynum. “The meaning and thoughtfulness behind this sculpture is inspiring and I am excited that both residents and visitors have another piece of public art in Tulsa to enjoy for years to come.”

The sculpture also includes a bench which is an actual wing shape, constructed with aluminum ribs, spars, and sheet decking. Visitors sitting on the bench will experience the feel of rivets and aircraft construction.

This public art commission is made possible by the One Percent for Public Art Program provided by the City of Tulsa as part of the Vision Tulsa Air National Guard 138th FW Mission Training Center project.