State lawmaker says current form of government wastes time and money

Senator Anderson proposes changing to a unicameral

(Oklahoma City)- Senator Patrick Anderson, of Enid, has filed legislation that would allow Oklahoma voters to reduce the size of the Legislature by 101 members.

Senator Anderson says, “We are asking all of our state agencies to make cuts and reduce costs. As lawmakers, we should reserve the same scrutiny for our own process.  Why not lead by example and eliminate the unnecessary expenses that exist in the Legislature?”

His ballot measure would establish a unicameral like Nebraska.

If passed by lawmakers and voters, Anderson says getting rid of the House would generate savings greater than $16.5 million annually.

“Although the Oklahoma Legislature is a bicameral body, both chambers perform identical functions. As a result, the legislative process is unduly burdensome and extremely costly to the taxpayers.”

Senator Anderson says the move would save a lot of time by skipping lawmakers in the other chamber.