Tulsa road crews paint over roadkill

Wed, July 12, 2017 — Here's a story you just don't hear everyday.

Residents living near North Yale and East Marshall Street tell us Tulsa city crews painting double yellow lines recently decided to paint over roadkill in the middle of the street.

This happened, instead of cleaning the dead animals off the road.

One young resident we spoke to offered to help the crews out.

“I tried picking it up, but my mom said you can’t be out on the street alone,” the boy said.

In a statement, the city concedes their street crews did in fact paint over roadkill, but said that traditional protocol is to pick up anything in the street that does not allow for a solid line to be painted properly.

For reference, crews were sent back out on Tuesday, to pick up all the roadkill that was painted over and make corrections in spots where animals were painted instead of the road's surface.