Oklahoma Department of Corrections reports COVID-19 related death of an inmate

The woman was an inmate at Eddie Warrior Correctional Center

TAFT, Okla. — The Oklahoma Department of Corrections says an inmate passed away after being hospitalized for COVID-19 coronavirus.

ODOC reports the middle-aged woman was housed at Eddie Warrior Correctional Center when she became ill.

Her death happened on Saturday, September 5th after she was admitted for symptoms associated with COVID-19.

Due to several health issues, the medical examiner’s office will review all underlying medical facts and conditions to determine if COVID-19 was a significant factor in her death.

To date, ODOC has received no death reports from the medical examiner’s office citing death due to COVID-19.

In a statement the department says:

EWCC is one of several facilities ODOC has declared a hot spot for COVID-19. Declaring a hot spot initiates increased response protocols including providing additional PPE to staff, closing visitation and volunteer access, shifting work stations within the facility to prevent further spread of the virus, and testing all facility inmates. Staff is also offered tests.

Once test results identify infected inmates, staff isolate them from those who tested negative or results are pending, complete contact tracing to locate additional exposures, and test those identified. Nurses conduct health assessments on all positive inmates every day to ensure they receive proper care. Nurses also closely watch negative and pending inmates for any virus symptoms.

ODOC is also implementing hot spot protocols at Joseph Harp Correctional Center and Mabel Bassett Correctional Center.

With each positive COVID-19 test, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) and ODOC collaborate to ensure the agency complies with evolving best practices as well as Centers for Disease Control and OSDH recommendations during this pandemic.

Since mid-March, ODOC has practiced numerous measures to ensure the health of inmates and staff including mandating all wear masks. ODOC provides those masks to every inmate and staff member, as well as hand sanitizer, soap, and disinfecting products. The agency also uses portable foggers to clean all housing units, dining rooms, and other frequently used areas. Facilities have implemented clean teams to disinfect frequently-touched surfaces such as door knobs and light switches. All staff also undergo a health-screening process prior to entering the facility. If a staff member’s temperature is 100.4 or above or indicates presence of any other virus symptoms, they are asked to leave and contact their health care provider.