Patient of Dr. Husen remembers how she went above and beyond for her patients

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TULSA, Okla. — Victoria Eubanks was watching this weeks news on the shooting at Saint Francis Health System when she heard a familiar name and started to cry.

“They said Dr. Phillips and then they said Dr. Husen and I was absolutely heartbroken,” Eubanks said.

Dr. Husen was one of her doctors helping her with a pinched nerve in her neck, leg issues and problems with her arm.

" [She] just went above and beyond for me and I just really appreciate her for that,” Eubanks said. Victoria said she can’t drive, so she wasn’t sure what she could do to honor her doctor.

She at least hopes her words let others know how great of a woman she was. “Stephanie Husen was a phenomenal woman, she went above and beyond for her patients and she will truly truly be missed,” Eubanks said.

A down-to-earth-doctor who went above and beyond.

“She truly changed my life,” Eubanks said.