No-cost lawn care: Out-of-work digital advertising executive turns downtime into good deeds for elderly, disabled veterans

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned many people’s lives upside down because of its effects on the economy.

Brian Schwartz was working as a digital advertising executive in New York City and, like many, was laid off and out of a job.

But the 39-year-old is using his misfortune to do good deeds.

He started to cut the lawns of those who may not be able to do so themselves.

Schwartz started I Want to Mow Your Lawn, a free grass-cutting service he’s offering to the residents in four counties in New Jersey, aged 65 or older. He’s also cutting the grass of disabled veterans, CNN reported.

“I just love grandparents. I can only imagine the stress they’re all going through. I realized a lot of them (senior citizens) are on fixed incomes, so I figured there’s a creative way to help them out. Not only physically, but also mentally,” Schwartz told CNN.

One of his “customers” was thankful that Schwartz was there.

“It was a blessing to have him come,” Judith Jack, 82, told

Jack had been cutting her lawn until her mower broke. She couldn’t find anyone who would be willing to cut her small yard until Schwartz came by, reported.

He started a Facebook page and website to get the word out that he’s willing and able to help.

On the website he posted a mantra: “I believe that putting some good out into the universe, it all comes back.”

Schwartz doesn’t take tips or a salary for cutting lawns but he does accept donations for the cost of gas. He will also accept donations for nonprofits.

He also has some help as other friends who are currently laid off have started doing landscaping with Schwartz, who plans on mowing yards, for free, until he can plan his next career move, CNN reported.