
Elusive surfboard-stealing Otter 841 back in Santa Cruz, up to her old tricks

Otter 841 is known as the elusive-surfboard stealing otter and she’s back to her old tricks, making her latest appearance in Santa Cruz, California during a surf contest Saturday.

According to The Mercury News, Otter 841 is notorious among surfers after last summer’s wave-riding rampage, going after surfers and biting their surf boards.

Surfer Karl Anderle says he was sitting on his board at the surfing contest as a volunteer, keeping non-competitors out of the competition zone.

He says he tipped his board up, hoping she would hop off, but she scooted up and clung on so he decided he would hang and chill and pretend that everything was normal.

For about 15 minutes, the otter laid on the end of his board, rolled around a bit, and continued to chew. His board has a dozen punctures and furrows the creature’s teeth left in the foam surfboard top.

Last summer he says he watched her steal a surfboard from a friend.

She eventually slid off his board and back into the water.

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