The man who climbed the TV tower at 27th and South Memorial has attracted a crowd.
We saw people parked across the street and watching from their vehicles. Cindy was out Friday morning standing with her 9-year-old son.
She says she came with her child for what she called a teaching moment. Cindy says this is a chance for her son to see that sometimes people need help.
“I want my son to see that this is not the norm and to reach out to people and he may be all alone and need somebody and somebody needs to know that there is other people out there that think of him,” says Cindy.
She says we tend to turn our back on people and run away from the topic of suicide and mental health issues.
“I mean it is not just about bringing him down, I mean, he obviously has issues and he may need somebody to know that people are out here thinking of him," says Cindy.
She was asked if she was concerned about what her son might see if the man on the tower fell or jumped and she responded saying she wasn’t concerned since we see so much on TV already.