WASHINGTON, D.C. — Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt announced his administration’s new healthcare plan from Washington D.C. Wednesday with members of the Trump Administration.
Gov. Stitt calls the plan SoonerCare 2.0.
The plan takes advantage of the Trump Administration’s Healthy Adult Opportunity (HAO) initiative.
“We will pursue top ten status, and with SoonerCare 2.0 we will be taking a next step in pulling Oklahoma out of bottom ten healthcare rankings that our state has battled for generations,” said Stitt.
The Stitt administration will be pursuing the following:
Capture total federal funds available under Medicaid:
- Pursue maximum flexibility under the Trump administration's Healthy Adult Opportunity to deliver personal responsibility
- Innovate the delivery of rural health care as well as specialized substance abuse programs
- Deliver system reform across the full Medicaid program