TULSA, Okla. — “We did have to do some blasting up there,” said ODOT Spokesperson TJ Gerlach “When we did that, we had some rocks fall onto the current highway, so we had to close it a couple times to do some clean up.”
Claremore City Manager, John Feary, said it is a sight to see.
“We still have people say I will believe it when I see it.” Feary said.
He also said it is a life-saving project.
“It has been very dangerous over the years. I do not know the exact numbers but multiple fatalities accidents,” Feary said. “You also get a lot of heavy truck traffic coming in from 169, the Owasso corridor.”
The road is known as Keetonville Hill.
“It has given way to heavy rains,” Feary explained.
ODOT said its being flattened out so it doesn’t turn so many heads now.
“There are frequent landslides, debris falls down onto the roadways,” Gerlach explained.
The road is narrow and windy and does not have as much shoulder room as many people would like. Some parts it is like looking straight downhill.
“All the things that this realignment will do are going to benefit people being able to get in, around and through our community faster and safer,” Feary said.
And it will be quicker. Once the realignment is done by the summer of 2022 there will be an overpass on Highway 66 so people can drive over the trains rather than wait.
Feary said, “We have several at grade crossings so if a train were to come through town and get stuck you do not get through one side of 66 or the other.”
Feary also believes it will be an economic driver for the city.
“The amount of infrastructure put in place will facilitate the growth of the county,” Feary said.
Gerlach added, “If this helps them grow economic opportunities that is just an extra bonus them.”
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