- Adams County Nursery - various fruit tree types - excellent G.WD. rating - www.acnursery.com
- Bay Laurel Nursery - multiple types of fruit and nut trees and plants - very good G.WD. rating - www.baylaurelnursery.com
- Big Horse Creek Farm - apple trees - excellent G.WD. rating - www.bighorsecreekfarm.com
- Blossom Nursery - pawpaw trees & seeds - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - www.blossomnursery.com
- Bob Wells Nursery - multiple fruit and nut trees and plants - very good G.WD. rating - www.bobwellsnursery.com
- Boyer Nurseries & Orchards, Inc. - multiple types of fruit trees and plants and nut trees - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - www.boyernurseries.com
- Burnt Ridge Nursery - various types of fruit - very good G.WD. rating - www.burntridgenursery.com
- Century Farm Orchards - apple and pear trees - limited, excellent G.WD. rating, knowledgeable and helpful owner - www.centuryfarmorchards.com
- Cloud Mountain Farm - various types of fruit & impressive selection of other plants - excellent G.WD. rating - www.cloudmountainfarm.com
- England’s Orchard & Nursery - nut, persimmon, pawpaw, jujube, and Asian pear trees - limited excellent G.WD. rating - www.nuttrees.net
- Finch Blueberries - blueberries - OK G.WD. rating - Finchblueberrynursery.com
- Forestfarm - huge selection of plants - excellent G.WD. rating - www.forestfarm.com
- Going Bananas - banana plants and corms - excellent G.WD. rating - www.going-bananas.com
- Grandpa’s Orchard, LLC - affiliated with Moser Fruit Tree Sales, Inc. - rootstocks and various types of fruit trees and plants - excellent G.WD. rating - www.grandpasorchard.com
- Greenmantle Nursery - various types of fruit - excellent G.WD. rating - www.greenmantlenursery.com
- Grover’s Blueberries - blueberries and other berry plants - very good G.WD. rating - www.groversblueberries.com
- Hartmann’s Plant Company - various types of fruit (mostly berries) - excellent G.WD. rating - hartmannsplantcompany.com
- Indiana Berry & Plant Co. - multiple types of small fruit and berries - excellent G.WD. rating - Indianaberry.com
- Ison’s Nursery & Vineyards - multiple types of fruit trees & plants (specialize in muscadines, blueberries, & blackberries) - OK G.WD. rating - isons.com
- Johnson Nursery, Inc. - multiple types of fruit - excellent G.WD. rating - johnsonnursery.com
- Just Fruits and Exotics - multiple types of fruit trees and plants - excellent G.WD. rating - justfruitsandexotics.com
- Krohne Plant Farms Inc. - strawberries and asparagus - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - Facebook.com/krohneplantfarms/
- Morse Nursery - various types of fruit - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - Morsenursery.com
- Nolin River Nut Tree Nursery - persimmon, pawpaw, & multiple types of nut trees - excellent G.WD. rating - Nolinnursery.com
- Nourse Farms Inc. - berries and small fruit - excellent G.WD. rating - Noursefarms.com
- OIKOS Tree Crops - multiple types of fruit and nut trees and plants - excellent G.WD. rating - Oikostreecrops.com
- Peaceful Valley Farm Supply - various types of fruit trees and plants - good G.WD. rating - Groworganic.com
- Planting Justice Nursery - fruit & nut trees & plants - excellent G.WD. rating - Plantingjustice.org
- Raintree Nursery - multiple types of fruit trees and plants - good G.WD. rating - Raintreenursery.com
- Rombough, Lon J. - grapes - limited, excellent G.WD. rating - www.bunchgrapes.com
- Simmons Plant Farm - blueberries, various berries, grapes, etc - excellent G.WD. rating - www.simmonsplantfarm.com
- Stark Brothers Nurseries & Orchards Company - various fruit trees and plants - OK/good G.WD. rating - www.starkbros.com
- Trees of Antiquity - multiple types of fruit trees and plants - excellent G.WD. rating - www.treesofantiquity.com
- Whitman Farms - small-fruit plants and trees and nut trees - excellent G.WD. rating - Whitmanfarms.com
- Womack Nursery Co. - multiple fruit and nut trees and plants - very good G.WD rating - Womacknursery.com
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