Back in December we first told you about the air quality problems at Brassfield 5th and 6th grade center in Bixby. The school was closed for a couple of weeks while contractors tore out old carpet and drywall and cleaned up the problem.
We have new information for you now as our kids begin a new school year. Bixby didn't stop with a little cleaning up around Brassfield, they went quite a bit further. To find out more, I called Marty Foutch, the director of facilities for Bixby schools. He was kind enough to meet me at Brassfield with a tour and explaination of what happened and what was done.
The problem came when mold was found in a few areas in the old building. Those areas were cleaned and sanitized and some were even torn down.
Marty first made it clear that Brassfield is now as safe as a brand new school. "Mainly the things we changed was the tile in the classrooms, got rid of the carpet" Marty said. Why was that important? "Everybody loves the carpet because it's a noise barrier but the tile stays cleaner and it's easier to see if it's dirty." But there was more work to do "we also did the HVAC systems, the heat and air and all the duct systems." The end result, "I'm not going to say it's a new building, but it's close" Marty was proud to say.
To hear my entire, exclusive intervew with Marty, just click here.
Brassfield hasn't seen it's last wrecking ball. Marty says the old part of the school, the front, will be torn down as soon as Bixby's newest building is finished. At that time Brassfield will consist of only the yougest part of the building and become an alternative school for the district.
So school is off and running in Bixby and Brassfield is right there in the race!